
Presentations and Awards:

  • ANU Research School of Biology HDR Conference; best presentation in Ecology and Evolution 2016.

  • Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biology Conference; Runner up student talk 2016.

  • Gordon Research Seminar on Plant-Herbivore interactions 2017; invited presentation.

  • Gordon Research Conference on Plant-Herbivore interactions 2017; poster presentation.

  • International Mammals Congress 2017; presentation.

  • Questacon public outreach using smell-o-vision to teach about the role of secondary metabolites in plants in guiding marsupial folivore feeding decisions.

  • Several radio interviews on the impacts of climate change on marsupial folivores.

  • Invited speaker to Society of Experimental Biology special symposia “Down the Hatch” on food processing in Prague 2020…2021…2022? COVID permitting.

  • Winner of “The Poetry of Science” competition for National Science Week 2021, Hobart.