Presentations and Awards:
ANU Research School of Biology HDR Conference; best presentation in Ecology and Evolution 2016.
Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biology Conference; Runner up student talk 2016.
Gordon Research Seminar on Plant-Herbivore interactions 2017; invited presentation.
Gordon Research Conference on Plant-Herbivore interactions 2017; poster presentation.
International Mammals Congress 2017; presentation.
Questacon public outreach using smell-o-vision to teach about the role of secondary metabolites in plants in guiding marsupial folivore feeding decisions.
Several radio interviews on the impacts of climate change on marsupial folivores.
Invited speaker to Society of Experimental Biology special symposia “Down the Hatch” on food processing in Prague 2020…2021…2022? COVID permitting.
Winner of “The Poetry of Science” competition for National Science Week 2021, Hobart.